La Passem!

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Edicion 2022 – fòtos

Las fòtos de La Passem 2022 que son en linha !!
Mercés a tots los fotografes qui’s son relaiats dens lo camion pendent 4 dias e 3 nueits, tà ns’auherir fòtos soviers !!
Arretrobatz tanben las fòtos de quauquas animacions organizadas suu parcors.

Dijaus lo 2 de junh : partir de Sent Martin deu Senhans

Fotografe : Henri Jambes

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/01_Jeudi_Depart.

Dijaus lo 2 de junh : 14h – 20h

Fotografe : Henri Jambes

Dijaus lo 2 de junh : 20h – 2h

Fotografe : Tim Grandjean

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/03_Jeudi_20h-2h.

Divés lo 3 de junh : 2h – 8h

Fotografe : JL Laborde

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/04_Vendredi_2h-8h.

Divés lo 3 de junh : 8h – 14h

Las fòtos qu’arriban lèu…

Divés lo 3 de junh : 14h – 17h

Fotografe : JL Laborde

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/06_Vendredi_14h-17h.

Divés lo 3 de junh : 17h – 23h

Fotografe : Bialana Larrey-Lassalle

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/07_Vendredi_17h-23h.

Divés lo 3 de junh : 23h – 2h

Fotografe : Idrissa Mané

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/08_Vendredi_23h-2h.

Dissabte lo 4 de junh : 2h – 8h

Fotografe : Henri Jambes

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/09_Samedi_2h-8h.

Dissabte lo 4 de junh : 8h – 14h

Fotografe : JL Laborde

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/10_Samedi_8h-14h.

Dissabte lo 4 de junh : 14h – 20h

Fotografe : Hanna Attoumane

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/11_Samedi_14h-20h.

Dissabte lo 4 de junh : 20h – 5h

Fotografe : Loisa Granger

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/12_Samedi_20h-5h.

Dimenge lo 5 de junh : 2h – 5h

Fotografe : Julien Cabarry

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/13_Dimanche_2h-5h.

Dimenge lo 5 de junh : 5h – 7h

Fotografe : Thierry Ladevèze

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/14_Dimanche_5h-7h.

Dimenge lo 5 de junh : 8h – 12h

Fotografe : Hanna Attoumane

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/15_Dimanche_8h-12h.

Dimenge lo 5 de junh : Arribada

Fotografe : JL Laborde

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/16_Arrivee_Jean-Loup.

Fotografe : Hanna Attoumane

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/17_Arrivee_Hanna.

Fotografe : Hanna Attoumane

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/18_Arrivee_Lecture-message-Hanna.


Lombiar. Fotografe : Corinne Cassou

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/19_Animation_Lombia.

Lombiar. Fotografe : Mathilde Lamothe

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/20_Animation_Lombia_Mathilde.

Gèuna. Fotografe : Cyrille Vidal

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/21_Animation_Geaune.

Morlaàs. Fotografe : Corinne Cassou

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/22_Animation_Morlaas.

Saut. Fotografe : Mathilde Lamothe

Folder Gallery Error: Unable to find the directory wp-content/photos/2022/23_Animation_Sault.

Dret a l’imatge : si voletz retirar ua fòtos on ve vedem, enviatz-nos un corric a l’adreça